Monday 22 July 2013

The Age Conundrum

I had met Anjali when she was going through a phase in life, she was 10 years younger, "age be damned or so I thought," but the energy of youth, and the enthusiasm, it was addictive, the verve for life and the need to meet new people, it all came back to me.  I was old in the mind more than my body, my moodiness and crankiness were sure signs that of that, "over the hill huh ?" we hit off like the icing and the cake, loved every minute of my interactions with her, she could talk about Timbuktu all the way to the moon and I listened and listened and listened, "nearly falling off the moon."  Her voice was sweet timbre to my ears like the thought of sunshine in rain and we would ride my sedan, "didn't I say it was as old as me," till the end of the night.  The thought that I was falling love occurred to me, especially in the mornings when she would meet me while walking her Golden Labrador and I would just wish the creature wasn't around, till I realised that I wasn't in love but I was in love with the thought of being in love.

Anjali had the special knack of honesty so rare in human beings nowadays, "don't they talk so much without speaking," she could talk on topics ranging from Dating and Relationships to Heisenberg's Theory without so much as batting an eyelid, uncertainty was never in her mind, she knew exactly what to say and how to say it, "all facts and figures in place," the rarity of meeting someone as honest as her had me stunned for a bit, I was on cloud nine and placed her on a pedestal, "for someone as old as me," that was a rarity too.  Then it happened, we had a fight and she was angry enough to disappear from my life for a 4-5 months, and now I started to miss both her and her Golden.  It wasn't as if I was in love with her, "like she was either ?" but we miss people we like and there isn't anything more profound statement than I can ever make, and if I was in love with her then she had made it abundantly clear what her thoughts were on that, "it was a one way street mister."

I started to go out more often now and was meeting more people, "this loneliness it sucks man," during this time I met more and more people of her age group, it was like all of them wanted me to listen, "like I was enjoying this part with them," I met guys and gals, all her age group, "and I wasn't even seeking them," and one particular guy stood out, he was a brash young guy with lots of attitude, "like the proverbial bat in the night," we would ride his car that was filled with paraphernalia ranging from cigarette lighters to bottle openers and a great music system to boot, when the music blared it shook the small car totally, "ahoy battle stations !" , the guy seemed like a fighter and he reminded me a bit,"only a bit mind you," of Anjali.  I went around with this guy for two months, seeing movies, male bonding and stuff before Anjali came back into my life, "its a miracle."
Its all in the mind.


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